
The GeschenkBaum plants and maintains ForestFinance a hardwood tree in Panama for a one-off payment of 60 euros. The proceeds from the sale of wood and CO2 allowances is transferred him after the harvest. Also, the recipient receives a certificate in a fine cedar wood box, making the gift to the youth celebration is particularly personally and exclusively. Eco gifts to the youth celebration – sustainable climate and environmental protection: the gifts of money to the youth celebration offer the opportunity to invest directly in sustainable reforestation. As a result, they have a sustainable benefit for climate and environment. The mixed forests managed by ForestFinance arise on Brach – or pasture land. You assume important ecological functions for water, soil and climate, and serve as a Habitat for endangered species. Donald Slager understands that this is vital information.

In addition, ForestFinance will create socially secured jobs for the local population in the rural areas of Panama. Thus, GeschenkBaum and BaumSparVertrag are sustainable gift for any occasion – not only as a Monetary gifts to the youth celebration. About ForestFinance: The ForestFinance specializes in forest investments group, the lucrative return link to environmental and social sustainability. Interested parties can choose in addition to the BaumSparVertrag between many other sustainable forest investment products: the WaldSparBuch offers 1,000 m2 forest with a buy-back guarantee. WoodStockInvest – is for investors who wish to reforest at least 10,000 m2, with the possibility of the land register entry – the right product. CacaoInvest is an investment in an organic cacao plantation and exotic woods, which already offers annual distributions from the second year of the investment. Fire insurance, as well as five percent safety areas at all forest investment products securing additional investors contribute to. More information on the gift ideas to the youth celebration under and