HIFU Treatment – Impotence & Incontinence – PSA Value

‘We cure prostate cancer without damaging healthy tissue’ is superfluous to the scalpel handle, unwanted tissue damage remain: the HIFU treatment HIFU focused ultrasound = HochIntensiv prostate cancer cells in the patient’s body can be exactly kill off. The method is based on ultrasonic waves used in medicine has long been for diagnostic purposes, in HIFU therapy now in 10.000-fach higher doses are used. If you ask me personally, this is the future in medicine: we heal by using high-energy radiation in the body, without damaging healthy tissue. The prostate is, ideally, because it is possible to bring the ultrasound head via the rectum in the immediate vicinity of the prostate”, says Prof. Dr. med. Robert Wammack, Director of the clinic for urology and neuro-Urology, as well as the prostate of Centre Ruhr of Catholic hospitals food-North-West, in an interview with the online health magazine rheinruhrmed.de. The Ultrasonic waves are shown into a sort of concave mirrors to the cell, which reached a heat of 90 degrees Celsius in its focal point.

A similar phenomenon commonly known by a magnifying glass which concentrates sunlight at one point. In other words, we can only transport the energy through healthy tissue through before it then unfolds its effect at the focal point,”says Prof. Wammack, but at the same time braking the euphoria. I think it is necessary with each new”procedures be very careful. The HIFU therapy is not a miracle way.” But great progress had been made with regard to the treatment of HIFU: two European societies of Urology, in France and Italy, would have accepted the procedure as standard procedure. The HIFU treatment is therefore a real alternative to surgery. Coming from abroad, which can already draw in contrast to Germany on ten-year results of HIFU treatment, also promising experiences, what is the side effects like incontinence and impotence: the severe incontinence, so Wammack, lying above thus only in about one percent of cases.

If the complete prostate including the Neurovascular bundle is treated, have 80 percent of patients potency problems; only partially treated the prostate and saves from the bundle, the rate of patients decreases the potency problems complain on about 30 to 50 percent, “as Prof. Wammack. With this not must to say that the power problems by the operation would come. In which patients the HIFU therapy can be applied, what role does the PSA level in the follow-up of HIFU treatment and is such as selenium, contained E.g. in bread and peanuts, everything that affects the risk of prostate cancer and read more in the full interview:… / prostata_hifu therapie_prof_dr_robert_wammack… rheinruhrmed.de is a free and independent online health magazine for the Rheinland and Ruhr area and is published by a group of freelance journalist from the region. rheinruhrmed.de is a pure information portal (without any Consultant!); the online magazine is financed exclusively through advertising. Contact: rrm Rhine RUHR MED Zeche Zollverein, Hall 10 Gelsenkirchener Strasse 181 45309 Essen phone + 49 (0) 201-7591340 M. Rabe