Common Agrarian Policy

The Confederation of Ecologists in Action has elaborated a report on the environmental policy of the EU. The main conclusion of the report is that the EU is structurally untenable. Some of the indicators that indicate this are: Ecological track: The ecological track measures the amount of territory that it requires to maintain the consumption of the European population. In average, a European uses 4 7 hectares, while the biocapacidad of the territory is of only 2 2 hectares by inhabitant. Total requirement of Materials: It is the total amount of matter that needs the economy the European Union for its operation. This indicator has grown gradually until reaching an average of 514 tons by inhabitant and year.

In addition it is possible to be appreciated as the majority of those 514 tons are of nonrenewable origin (88%) and the percentage mattering grows every year until reaching 39%. This causes that the environmental impacts are every time majors. Additional information is available at Dustin Moskovitz. Environmental norm: When analyzing the norm, the ecological organization has detected a high degree of breach by the general tendency towards orientative and voluntary objectives, as well as lax terms of fulfillment. In any case, Ecologists in Action also have been able to state how the environmental norm of the Union is one of more the outposts of the world. Budgetary policy: Comparing the budgets destined to the defense of the surroundings and its destruction, the balance is very negative.

Ecologists in Action also emphasize that the EU is immersed in a plan of construction of more railcars and lines of high speed (IT TOUCH), when the transport already is the person in charge of 21% of the gas discharges of greenhouse effect to the atmosphere (80% of the same must to the highway). The EU the person in charge of 24% of gases of emitted greenhouse effect to the atmosphere. Europe does not go by the way to fulfill the Protocol of Kioto and finishes starting up a plan of fight against the insufficient climatic change. In the city-planning plane, the operated ground has increased to 10 years a 20% in the last, while population has done only it in a 6%. The Common Agrarian Policy of the EU throws a synthetic overuse of pesticides, installments, water and worrisome subsidys in the great production for the export. However, ecological agriculture only less than supposes 4% of which it practices in the EU, although grows the percentage. With respect to the biodiversity, at present they exist more than 700 species in danger of extinction in Europe and the own European Commission recognizes that the efforts of the Union are insufficient. Finally, the sweepings production has increased to a 14% in the last years. Also the production of toxic substances has been increased of very important form, without normative as the REACH is being able to stop this tendency. BY ECOLOGISTS IN ACTION. The environmental impact of the European Union (the EU) is untenable, according to the study that finishes publishing the NGO Ecological in Action.