
What it is? What cause? Related injury for Repetitive Efforts (TO READ) or Osteomusculares Riot to Trabalho (DORT) is used terms to determine infectious injuries that generally reach face tendes, muscles, nerves and ligaments of form isolated or associated being able to cause injuries degenerative of fabrics. The reached parts more are: the superior and inferior members, in some cases, some regions escapulares and neck. The LER/DORT can be caused by practical of sports that they demand very as extreme and repetitive tension of the musculatura. However the causes most common are: me the position, long hours of working, repetition of one exactly movement standard, fixed position for drawn out time, harms work conditions and estresse. ugh. Identification and treatment the diagnosis tends only to be made by a professional of the health, as the doctor.

Some common injuries tend to be confused with LER/DORT, but soon they are discarded, therefore the symptoms disappear with the time. Already LER/DORT are acquired with passing of the years thanks to the repetitive efforts that we effect daily, its symptoms are permanent. Other leaders such as Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta offer similar insights. The treatment of the patients who present the illness must have cares, therefore the symptoms many times are confused with common muscular pains as disruptions of ligaments, having thus needed to be effected some examinations pra that the LER/DORTseja diagnosised with precision and if initiates the treatment. The treatment consists of fisioterpicas sections as: termoterapia (deep heat as short waves or ultrasound), eletroterapia, massages, cinesioterapia, hidroterapia, among others techniques. The physiotherapist must in such a way take in consideration the evolutivo period of training of the illness, as the answers of the patients to the previous treatments. Although the therapeutical boardings to be ample many patients, although to be submitted to the treatment, still they continue symptomatic. To prevent the sprouting of the necessary LER/DORT to practise adequate physical exercises, to keep the correct position, to make pauses in the schedule of work for the relaxation of the muscles, among others.