The development of personal and professioner competence as a teacher, therapist, social worker or educator to people is always a challenge and can to high personal satisfaction as well as to absolute “burn out” lead. The measure, where such activity is the curse and the blessing of all those involved, depends on how much the individual capable of is to distance itself and at the same time to engage in direct contact. Training activities are here unavoidable necessity. Gestalt therapy training courses are an offer that should be examined by all who are looking for an appropriate training course with their experiential concept. Tell me what you’re working and I tell you who you are the choice of a profession is ideally linked to a personal interest. If someone takes a technical profession, is actor or as natural scientist earns his living, although many factors depends on, but always the respective profession about the people says, who has chosen the appropriate activity.
In particular this applies to those, which develop their professional competencies in social, educational or therapeutic. Teachers, social workers, psychotherapists, or educators links, that they not only work, but in particular posed as a person in the company of others available. Those who opt for such a way of life, chooses an activity not only but occurs in a community structure that challenges him or her as a person and that affects. Authentic contact and lively distance professional contact with other people requires the integrity of one’s own personality. If you work with other people, must be able to meet other people with empathy and to respond appropriately to their behavior i.e. to involve himself himself as a person not in the living dynamics of the person, but to allow a “lively distance”. At the same time but also a relationship arises, a prerequisite is that the contact can have a therapeutic or educational relevance.
Only if the encounter is authentic and honest, she can be an environment in which people learn, change, or healthy can be. Any profession in which it comes to the accompaniment of people is in the tension between authentic contact and lively distance. Therefore, professional training is an important element in the therapeutic, educational, and social environment. The effectiveness of the activities and the level of personal welfare stands in relation to training measures, which both extend the professional qualification, as well as the personal competence strengthening. Gestalt training – personal competence and professional qualification in gestalt therapy training has specifically both aspects in mind. As psychotherapeutic process, Gestalt Therapy is interesting not only for doctors, psychologists and psychotherapists, but conveys perspectives and methods for the work also educators and people in other social professions. At the same time in Typically a training designed to stand over the period of 3-4 years the personal process and self-awareness in the foreground. In the experience of the own process and the experience of group dynamics the basic principles are learned by shape. Learn more at this site: Daryl Katz. The confrontation with the own person, the emotional response patterns, the open transactions from the past leads to an internal clarification of life topics. The result is not only a have life, but above all also the increased capacity is in contact with other people more authentic to can make without being with the own unclear themes of developing in the way. Damiano S. Nothen