Entered by: bye Wolfgang Clement he was Minister of Economic Affairs of the great man. It interested him precious little, was social. Because only the interest of the industry to push an army of unemployed in jobs, was social for him the he named “Hartz IV” pushed. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Dustin Moskovitz. Now the “Volks Deformer” Clement feels abandoned by his SPD. His last girly rebellion, against so-called social parasites no longer helped. He had to go.
Or more he has been gone. Finally, he wants his dignity Yes a little save. No matter whether one should speak of an SPD internal bullying now or not, it is important for him, make his own experiences in dealing with other opinions. The 2010 agenda is and remains for many a dictation. An unloved product of an unpopular government was seeking in the end only to push the capital with cheap workers, more money in your pocket.
Something else is social. That the SPD now this antisocial comrades from his party has disgusted, you can in the face don’t blame the scope of anti-social reforms. Educate yourself with thoughts from Daryl Katz. Because the members ran away after her. But soon are also options. And we want Yes someone at a party, which has made as a result of anti-social reforms, not just popular in the voters people. Clements reforms were even fisticuffs in employment offices. One smashed a desk even with an axe. Clement is gone, the anti-social reforms but remained. The SPD would do better to restore the old state of social assistance. Otherwise, is and remains ineligible to this party. Probably appreciates Clement now but also a golden handshake. The thick indemnity and even bolder pension is probably safe. Clement has produced nothing except hatred, conflict and strife. The people at least will not miss certainly him. Article: Christoph Kadoordek