Pine for interior decoration and furniture manufacturing, a material having a number of advantages, no doubt among experts. Those who value health, natural beauty and comfort, opt for pine. In favor of this material in the first place is the fact that the pine tree "breathes" – that there is a kind of natural air conditioner, maintaining optimum humidity in the room, supplying it with oxygen. In addition, pine – is absolutely safe for human health. For example, in comparison with the distribution of materials as chipboard, which includes harmful phenol formaldehyde, pine is completely environmentally safe.
Amber and woody aroma of pine resin improve mood, calm, set up a peaceful way. Covered with a protective lacquer, pine does not lose the natural pattern and color of the wood. Finishing materials of pine distinguishes ecology, the special beauty of wood texture and a very high density. Add to this valuable as a relatively low price and get the ideal material for the one who seeks to decorate your home beautiful tree, and thus not much to spend. Pine produced virtually all types of moldings: Lining, floorboards, wall panels, cladding material for interior and exterior walls. Great spread traditionally receive doors and windows made of pine.
Make this material popular ease of processing and the possibility of toned it in any color. However, the selection of materials from pine, should be take into account qualities such as pitch, the heterogeneity of wood structure and density, and low hardness. That's why pine is not desirable to use in designs that will have to withstand great load (over 500 kg per cu. m).