Interpersonal Relations

It makes me to this to remember Policarpo, bishop of Esmirna, city of Turkey (alive city where with my family since 1998). Diz the history that the Roman proconsul, Antonino Pius, and the civil authorities had tried to persuade it to abandon it its faith in its advanced age, in order to reach its freedom. It however, answered with authority: I have served Christ per 86 years and it never he made me nothing of badly. How I can blaspheme against my King saved who me? I am a believer point without return, and its loyalty the mission that it is trusted not allowed it to retrocede. Arrow for the indians in the side of the river died.

E this loyalty that distinguishes people from value. Pablo said: Inasmuch as, for me, the life is Christ, and dying is profit. (Fil. 1:21). I have flesh-color this I begin in my life? Or I have lost in philosophies and styles of lives that make tie me to have some success, but that they do not condizem with the type of loyalty waits that you of me? It thinks well; and not to make mine better that he goes to please the master but, yes, to make what the Master wants that I knife, so that It if pleases in mim.3. ALLEGIANCE IN the INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS People of value is those that feed the harmony with the others to reach the well biggest one.They place of side stingy differences and they prefer not to give to importance the offences, because they recognize that the enemy is around.

doegues, that to exempt the face, they not only abandon the friends at the moments most crucial, as well as corroborate for the destruction of them. I think that to this I begin it age more important of Jesus in the relation with its disciples. Joo 13:1 says that However, before the Party of Passover, knowing Jesus who was fond its hour to pass of this world for the Father, having loved its that they were in the world, loved them until the o end. inside of four walls. But and to be used in all place, all time, all the life. My desire and that, exactly in way our limitations human beings, Mr. help in them to live, of incarnate form, inside of these principles. that can learn that We are better when in them we surpass proper we, when we do not surpass the others. That it in abenoeLevy s. CastroObreiro supported for the Nas in Turkey. Levy s. CastroEditora Nas – Blog – Under New direction ->

Google Adwords

The greatest open secret that is known to generate wealth in the electronic commerceby Internet, it is that it is based on the Traffic. We know all it; to each it wants it site and to each it needs it site. The important point of the Web sites is that they are visited and seen. Many spectacular designs, money and hours of interminable work are used to develop a site and that is attractive tuna and. But that, without traffic, is just as zero.

With the traffic the potential clients arrive, which basically means sales and of which are obtained, as well, the gains. While many sites of Internet have collapsed in the past, many other smaller sites have generated very good money concentrating itself in a certain niche and some sub market niches. That is a reason for which a site of and-I deal must segment with extreme precision certain groups of people and to direct them to its site and its products. The precision when commercializing is essential so that you have the security of which all the traffic that goes to its site is made up of potential clients. How To use the Money To make Money It is a very well-known commercial majority that, if you want to make money, must invest money.

A good way to invest money to obtain a commercial gain is using it in advertising announcements. The publicity attracts the people, because through her they find out that there is tal o cual company, product or service in existence. With the correct type of publicity, you will be able to see a torrent of growth of traffic in his site. And with a high volume of traffic, even though only a small percentage of clients is the one that it is buying, still it is a good average of gain and is generating of income. Right now there is no another project of announcements that is worth so much the pain each cent that is reversed in him, as it is Google Adwords.

The Familiarity

Ahead of the premises displayed in the present article, we will investigate the intertextualidade, that if of the one by means of the relation between reading and interpretation, and will be observed the practical one of uniz them for a contextualizada and critical literal production, since breaking of good and forceful readings the reader it will be assumen of practical the excellent one of a full virtuous literal production of basement, in other authors obviously, which comungam of its ideas and opinions. For in such a way we will deal with here a significant relation enters the elements of the reading, the intertextualidade and the literal production, as essential elements and related for the formation of a critical reader, which is assumen of a reading, it notices its there varied intertextualidade and it carries through its proper production, being this fruit of the other readings and its empirical knowledge. PROCEDURES METODOLGICOS For the present article we will work with the bibliographical research, characterized by Ruiz, will have the magnifying of the theoretical generalizations, as well as we will structuralize thoughts of systems and models of the most varied theoreticians, is the first step to be given in all research, therefore leaving of this if it makes a survey of what already one said about the studied subject, that is, leaving of studies carried through previously on the subject is that if it can have one ample vision of the cited problem already, also verifies the importance of this for the society in development. Well, it is thought bibliographical research as: A exploratrio study, rank that has the purpose to provide to the familiarity of the reader with the study area in which is interested party, as well as its delimitation. This familiarity is essential so that the problem is formulated in clear way and needs. (GIL, 2002, P. 61) Where if it presents the importance of the choice of the searched subject, to point and to give sensible to the questionings of the research, being this, therefore understood as formal process of the scientific method, making possible answers through preset methods scientifically.

Informative Work

Main advantages: It constitutes modality of common training for the capacity of the employees of any institution. The training is not developed in an artificial situation. The motivation is bigger, for the approach of the real conditions of work. It folloies the occured changes in the technologies and the procedures of the work. 4) Caster: It is the remanejamento of the rank of work of the employee, aiming at to prepare it a new function and to get a global vision of the work to be carried through in one determined sector. One is about one of the forms most efficient of professional formation.

Main advantages: Economic viability, for if dealing with a type of training of low cost. Acquisition of a more global vision of the company. Possibility of being used for the learning of all the types of tasks, since simplest until the most complex ones. 5) Period of training: It is the execution of pertinent activities to the occupation professional, by means of the direct and carried through experience in the work environment? where the activities are developed that the trainee needs to acquire. The period of training can occur inside of the proper institution or in others, through accords between these institutions. Main advantages: economic qViabilidade, for if dealing with a type of training of low cost, when carried through in the same local of housing of the employee. qPossibilidade of being used for the learning of all the types of tasks? simple or complex.

6) Visit Technique: Are visits carried through to other sectors? inside of the proper company or in another one? with the main objective to observe the functioning of one directly determined work (or a new technology). Main advantages: Low cost; if it will be carried through in the same city. Creation of partnerships and possibility of future exchanges. 7) Informative meetings: They are carried through periodic? or sporadical? as the necessity, in order to bring up to date the employees (you command and them) on pertinent subjects to its areas.

Cultural Worker

At the beginning these enriched individuals had started to supply to the substance cousin to speed up and to extend the production of the craftsman, later the few started to concentrate these workers in some places, for end, completely separated them of the means of production (the means of production are the tools, the necessary utensils the production of merchandises). The Industrial revolution consolidated this process, therefore with the use of the machines and the cercamento of communal lands an enormous number of people had been without having with what and where to work, it has seen, that the machines and everything that was necessary to produce merchandises in competitive way were accessible only to the rich individuals To the workers who had been separate of the means of production alone remain to vender a merchandise – since he does not produce more nothing or the merchandise that can produce not it is more advantageous for lacks of capacity for concurring? This merchandise is its force of work, its muscles, its ability, its intelligence, in other words, all its capacity. In general lines, therefore, it is of this form that the work force or as well as is called the hand workmanship if it becomes merchandise. From this moment it remains the worker but to vender its merchandise in exchange for force of work for the owners of the industries wage. This wants to say that the worker who was separate of the means of production if approaches again to them through the same people had moved away that it, however, this new union occurs on a new logic, logic this that unifies by means of the wage the worker and the means of production, but, however, makes to remain separate of the worker the product of its work, that is, what the worker produced does not belong to it, the product of its work is of who paid o its wage, of who bought its merchandise work force. Of this form one configures a relation of purchase and sales of the work force, therefore the worker vende its only merchandise and the capitalist purchase this merchandise when paying the wage.

For backwards of this relation of equality we find objections. It will be that the wage is just exactly when the worker well is remunerated? It will be that the work force does not generate more value of what is paid in wage form? The reply of the first question it is not, that is, it just does not exist wage on this look, has seen, that the ability, intelligence, in short, all capacity of the worker is ece of fish in action does not stop benefiting proper itself, they outrem but it, therefore, the remuneration of its work is inferior to the value created, therefore its effort it leaves its wage and profit of the detainer of the means of production, the capitalist Already how much the second question the reply is yes, for the fact, of the merchandise work force not to be a simple merchandise, therefore in contrast of excessively merchandises when used it generates value and not only are worn out. When used it transforms objects, it creates and recria products while the too much merchandises if spoil.


It can be a very relevant question that organizations understand these three dimensions of the evaluations not to fall into cliches: application of the method a posteriori (with fait accompli) focusing on the past, not spend time or structure of the programme for the monitoring of progress of each performance, and overestimate the valuation of quantifiable objectives (indicators of productivity) to the detriment of an integral vision-valorizacion of a complex process of development of the officials in their positions. Recognize the subjectivity of all appreciation accept subjectivity as part of the assessment process, can be a first step to outline strategies to mitigate its adverse effects. Any appreciation on someone is, ultimately, more or less founded opinion of another person. Admit that the judgment of a single individual can vary depending on who is the judge, can help to question motivations undisclosed evaluator when assessing a subordinate or a partner and vice versa. We are subjects and our judgments will always be tied to our motivations and values. Include sources of information quality and not just quantity the evaluation 360 came to repair the problems arising from processes evaluatorios one-way, so typical of the school and academic fields, to include all individuals that interact with the evaluated in their work.

However always more is not better. Evaluator campus allocation should be considered as a key issue to ensure the quality of the process. The problems linked to a misallocation are reflected in greater proportion, in perceptions between hierarchical pairs of different areas; where many times there is a total ignorance of the evaluator envelope the person to evaluate. Include more than two or three subordinates to qualify to a higher (on a computer that does not exceed ten persons), on the other hand, can mean incurring costs outweigh the benefits of having such plurality of opinion.

Effective Website

To make an effective website you do not need several weeks to plan, develop, and publish your Web using the discussion forums and these 5 steps then I expose you the task will be much more simple: 1.Prepara your site environment: No matter how easy is your Web site, it is important to create a Master Plan for how your website is structured, i.e. that information your you want your visitors to see, keep a list of the categories that your going to include, and how will the navigation on your site. 2.Escriba content: after that you already know the structure of your pages writes the contents of each page, it is important to have in mind that the Internet user does not read the Web content as if you were reading a newspaper, so it uses clear titles, descriptive subtitle, and short paragraphs to make your website easier to read and understand. 3. WYSIWYG editors USA: many Hosting services offer easy to use, such as the well-known Web site building tools Editors WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get), these instruments allow simple templates, color schemes, and a well structured navigation that allows you to create stunning pages in minutes. Use your outline of web site, preset beforehand, to create each page.

Remember to include clear navigation links on each page of your site. 4.Publica your pages: once your you’ve created, he has seen with anticipation, and you’ve saved every page of your site, it’s time to publish your entire Web site. If you have been using the instruments of design of sites provided by your Internet service provider publish your site can be as easy as a click. Otherwise, you will have to use an FTP (file transfer protocol) program to transfer files from your computer to your site (Hosting). There are many (free) FTP programs available online. 5.Comprobar accessibility of your Web site: your Web site is in the network?, I tell you that that’s not all.

Before your des terminated, your You will need to verify that all the links work to ensure that all users can have access to your pages. Make sure your site works in a variety of browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc. And finally traverse your site as if you were a visitor, see if you like what you see and if it emerges some minor problem solve it. Finally the construction and maintenance of a Web site may seem intimidating to beginners, but using adequate instruments of design is easy for beginners to create attractive and effective websites. So if you follow these steps and access to discussion forums on Web design you will discover how to make a site in a few hours.

Family and Motivation

Your family is your best motivation in your life and in your negocio(en particular para tu negocio multinivel), is, or should be, one of the strongest because, in my opinion family is as a port where always returns a glass. This vessel can travel around the world, but always returns in its port, always. This is the subject of the article growth spiritual Tu Familia, El Oasis in the desert of life part two, published on 10 December 2010, on the website, so here we go! It is also true that there are people who live alone, without relatives nearby, and considered his friends as a family that you can choose, people divorced, widows, adopted, abandoned, no one in this world, it is true and it is very sad, it should not be so, there are people who do not support a few of their relatives, we don’t have to forget and ignore this reality. For a year I worked in a factory, and a companion has confessed to me that you have moved into this city and his parents died, and she has not had contact with their family, uncles, aunts, cousins, raw, his friends were now more fences of his heart than his own family, said to me something like this: if they were not interested in me, I’m not going to interest for them, with my friends in my opinion enough for me family has to be always together, respect your parents, love your wife, your children, every day to thank God for the blessing of having a wonderful, beautiful, United and indestructible family. Don’t forget, every day give a hug to your wife, your children, and tell them that you love them, that will increase your faith, your spirituality, and it is very good for your family also, don’t look for excuses that the life is very hard, you don’t have time, as these much more concerned to bring the food on the table for your family like to do these simple things and stupid. Your children need your approval, your words of support, appreciation, tell them very well, even though they have a very small achievement, say nice words, which are good, which are smart, that they they can do anything in life. Practical exercise: 1.

meditate for 10 minutes about the importance of your family in your life. 2. Today, gave every Member of your family that you want to. 3 Embraces each of your members of your family. For example, I’ve developed an exercise called collective hug, i.e.

for a few moments, we embrace us all, in this moment we feel that our family is indestructible, that idea I was inspired a movie, I don’t remember as it is called, a woman, artist, had 10 children, and a man, was captain in the Navy, had 8 children, and married, and now the family was of 18 children, there, women had this habit of collective embrace with her 10 children, some of them were adopted, and they had a pig as a pet. 4 Gives thanks to God every day, in the morning, nothing more than thou risest bed, for your family. At the end, leave me a comment on this article, I would like to know what you think, what are your problems. Thanks a lot.

Travel Tourism Study

Today’s world offers many options to develop some form of education, whatever tastes that are, for the needs of people extends to all kinds of fields of application by the creation of a cycle of need, and all development of professional who will need to use them, so people have no excuses when it comes to choosing any type of study because undoubtedly there will be any field of professional activity which conforms to expectations. Among one of several options available, that can be perfectly accommodate the tastes of any person, is the option of studying tourism, since this type of activity proved very rewarding for who can practice. Tourism is widely known by all people, or anyone at some point in their lives could go out and enjoy the conditions that occur in other places other than those which usually develops life, this is very nice because it meet other people, other customs, enjoyed another climate, so there may be thousands of aspects that make tourism is a very rewarding activity. What hardly known to most people is that this activity can be made as pleasant a way of understanding life from the point of view of tourism and then apply to study in the professional field, ie as a tour guide to show the points and major activities for which they are visiting and so make them get the most out of moments to relax and enjoy a vacation. To understand the advantages that exist for those who want to study tourism, the best option is to understand the concept of tourism and its various manifestations and thus be able to relate this to the application of knowledge to this activity. So the first thing you should keep in mind is to study tourism meant to provide information on how other people is the best way in which to distribute free time as a means of recreation in the conduct of the visit to a different place which perform the tasks and obligations of everyday life. The development of tourism activity study is to know the effective implementation of the different types of tourism that can be performed taking into account the conditions of the place in which to be put into practice the knowledge acquired when studying tourism. Given the above, to study tourism will be given to knowledge about the different types of tourism, including one of the most sought are those that relate to activities for relaxation and recreation, and excursions which are on the beach, visiting natural landscapes or performing some kind of sporting activity in particular, especially extreme sports, another of the tourism possibilities are cultural or social activities such as visiting museums, historic sites, go to places where they offer special meals. In order to study tourism offer many options for the application of knowledge to the place where the activity to be developed.

Japon San Fernando

1948 July Soichi Ikeda decided to install a farm of ducks and chickens in Surquillo. Teaches children all about the poultry business. 1958: After 10 years of raising poultry, the Ikeda decided to formalize their operations and create the company farm Los Huertos. 1964 Decide to concentrate on breeding only chickens, because they began to import improved breeds of this species, whose meat was of better quality. 1970: They become the first supplier of chickens in the wholesale markets of Lima. After awhile, the tradition of eating Turkey at Christmas became more popular and decide to start to breed this bird.

1977: Creates the factory mills may, that produced food for poultry 1980: think the San Fernando company, responsible for marketing of chickens and turkeys produced in Los Huertos.En farm this decade, they decided to offer franchise the brand San Fernando and so come to have 40 stores in Lima. But I stopped being profitable when it became fashionable large supermarkets. They do not decide to compete with these, are left with five stores and become suppliers of chickens and turkeys supermarkets. 1990: To exit a law of simplification, the Ikeda decided to merge all their businesses under the name San Fernando. Just manufactures Agropecuaria Chimu, as an independent company located in Trujillo.En this decade, started to raise chickens to sell eggs and installed a large sausage of pigs, turkeys and chickens in Chorrillos.