Solar Panels

How to make solar panels? or, is it difficult to build solar panels?, they are questions that can one get done after knowing the high price of new photovoltaic panels. Is it better to buy solar panels used?. Both possibilities, the construction and the second hand panels are good choices. The decision should not be taken lightly because it depends on the efficient and lasting operation of an installation of photovoltaic panels. I then briefly detail my analysis of both possibilities through the search and study of the options available on the internet. Buy solar panels used.This seems the most logical option after discarding the purchase of new panels. There are a variety of prices, brands and qualities which makes it possible to choose the most appropriate to our needs. This wide range of offer is very good, but on the other hand it may present a certain complication.

It is necessary to know the technical foundations of the generation of solar energy to make a good choice and purchase. Be carried away by an excellent price without rigorously check the status of operation of the panels should be avoided. Construction of solar panels.It may seem strange, but to build photovoltaic panels need not be technical. These devices are surprisingly simple and there are many manuals, guides and instructions available for their construction. The great advantage is that a panel made in house is built with new parts at a price much lower than that of a used panel. The disadvantage is obvious, desire and time are needed to undertake this work. My decision.I prefer new products, especially in the case of electrical devices, due to this and the low costs involved I decided to build my own photovoltaic panels.

It would like to now share the results of my search, wishing that this information is helpful for those who want to switch to clean energy and significantly reduce their costs of energy supply. A good summary of that is in the link I put below It is in my opinion the best existing option in terms of photovoltaic systems construction. It is a professional guide with step by step videos designed so anyone can follow the instructions, regardless of the lack of technical knowledge or the level of English.


Here’s our own definition of staff turnover: is the amount of people who enter and graduate to the Organization over a period of time, usually expressed through an index. Human resources are without a doubt the main element of any organization, so that at all times you are exerting efforts aimed at its coordination, maintenance, improvement and development, which help efficiently achieve organizational goals, all this led primarily by the Department of RH. However, how to work about a workforce that constantly suffer from changes (UPS and downs)?, i.e. without labor stability and which suffers from a very high staff turnover rate. There is no doubt, in this context, all efforts that are carried out are being grown in infertile land, since the abovementioned conditions preclude the continuity of any program, system or philosophy that you want to deploy. Enterprise-wide should be expected a certain degree of staff turnover which is healthy for the Organization, but tends to be expensive and therefore employers are interested in maintaining it at a level low.

At the moment that are evident in job stability problems that affect daily exercise, it is essential to investigate the causes of these high levels. Usually are hidden behind a high labour turnover problems with leadership, motivation, job satisfaction, teamwork, among others. Staff turnover has various causes. We could first and foremost divide into causes of forced rotation (by death, retirement, permanent disability, sickness) and causes of voluntary rotation (by resignation of the worker, by dismissal for poor selection, for personal or family reasons for natural instability).3 It is important to distinguish both. In the specific case of our study, the company before initiating the investigation, was in the following situation: average workforce of 251 collaborators. An index of turnover around 100%, representing 1 low every 1.5 days, or in other words 20 kills every 30 days (i.e.


Not does you that customers hire you work or buy products that you presupuestaste under the price by mistake? They have clinical eye to detect errors. If you cotizas expensive you do not buy, if you cotizas low lose money. That is why it is essential to quote properly. Many times the mistakes are made in the accounts, the calculations. If you apply this technique that I’m going to give that you will not happen. The majority of employers has a computer and a calculator on your desktop.

And they used the calculator to make accounts, think about it again is like using a Swiss army knife to manufacture a car! Let us be reasonable, a calculator you out of a tight spot but is not a professional tool. By its dimensions, its screen, its functions and its reliability is a tool for amateurs. Some studies show that it is very common to make mistakes using a calculator and the worst thing is that normally not found. How should you make your accounts? Using a spreadsheet for calculations such as Excel. -You have in the computer. -The keyboard has the measure of your fingers. -The screen is much larger so the view does not tire you. -It is reliable.

-You can check the numbers. -You can modify what you need if you detect an error. -You can make multiple accounts without deleting the previous ones. -You can use the results of several calculations to make other calculations and obtain final results. -You can save your calculations as future reference. -You can set and save formulas for calculations that you do normally. This technique of business management is the cornerstone of a system that I’ll explain later. I’m going to teach you how to use spreadsheets to make lists of prices, budgets, billing, costs, inventory, record sales and purchases, schedule tasks, save data of clients and operations and many more things. Or is that it is very important to get used to use a form of calculus to do calculations. Are you going to do now is look if you have Excel, if not you can download free internet program OpenOffice. You are going to open a spreadsheet’s calculation, gonna do some sums putting numbers one below the other and going to familiarize yourself with the different ways to get the result (it’s very simple, you’ll see). When you feel comfortable with this professional tool you will start using it daily for all your calculations. If you do this you are going to achieve greater efficiency, stop making costly mistakes for your company and you’re one step from starting the systematization of a set of tasks that today you are taking too much time. I would like to also put into practice this technique let me your questions and comments in the form that appears below or by clicking on add a comment. I will respond personally.

The Company

Resource in the broad sense is understood as the means used to achieve a target set beforehand. This meaning of resource would also include the concept of capacity, i.e. a company’s capabilities will also be resources with which this account. Resources in the strict sense will be defined as the stock of available factors that are owned or controlled by the company (Amit and Schoemaker, 1993). On the other hand, the capacity would be the Faculty adequately manage resources to perform a certain task within the company.

Therefore, in this context, capacities relate to the competence of a company to deploy resources, usually in combination, using organizational processes, to produce a desired end. In line with the definition of Amit and Schoemaker (1993), Grant (1991) says that resources (in broad sense) are inputs in the productive system and the basic unit of analysis the company internally. The same author acknowledges that few resources for independent are productive, appearing at this level the concept of capacity. Capacity is the ability for a team of resources to perform some task or activity. While resources are the source of the company’s capabilities, capabilities are the main source of its competitive advantages. But the capabilities are not only limited to organize a set of resources in a coordinated manner, as capabilities incorporate complex interactions among people and between people and other resources that make up the company. Here appears the concept of organizational routines in the direction of Nelson (1991) and Nelson and Winter (1982). A capability is in essence a routine, or a number of interacting routines. Raven (1995) asserts that the Centre of any strategy is gaining benefits from resources and capabilities that controls the company, such as its physical and financial assets, human capital, intangible assets like brands, reputation, experience and technology. Capabilities basically are consequences of the action of the address to mobilize resources through the creation of a system of organizational routines and a culture, resulting from a process of collective learning.

Learn How To Better Manage Your Money

To be able to effectively manage our income, the most important thing is to seek and achieve a good financial education, which unfortunately not is taught in schools so it is our duty and obligation to auto – educate us in this aspect, because money is not really the main problem. Most importantly, know how to manage it effectively. We must also be aware that in addition to know how to manage our money, there are other factors that we must take into account if we want to reach and have financial success. One of these factors is how to control fear, because even if we have a good job, good salary, you are always satisfied with your labour relations, etc. There is a part of us that lives worried about tomorrow: by losing the job, decreased income, etc.

All of these are fears that arise because we concentrate solely on money and not take a moment to think that this is only a vehicle to get things much more important and profound. It is true that we have to learn how to organize the financial area of our lives, without thinking that we are materialistic to give much importance to money; But what should also be one of our top priorities is to develop us personally and learn to know the power of our subconscious mind. It must recognize and accept that we live surrounded by abundance and prosperity and have right to make them a part of our lives. The road to financial freedom is one path like any other; you need a map that indicates us the important points toward the goal. These points include the approach, to know what is the goal and not detract from it, of course are the goals for the short, medium and long term, a plan of financial education that will help us to look for different ways to earn more revenue and know how to manage them and invest them, etc. The financial education is everyone’s job, and while more people we focus on educating us financially and sharing what we learn, we will much sooner see that wealth is distributed more equitably and will have the satisfaction to be building among all a fairer world in which our future generations can live in dignity.


This demonstrates that for better that they are our intentions, for greater that are our zeal, no matter how hard this wants to help, to carry through the workmanship, remains mysterious, occults to our eyes and agreement. God only knows what he is better. It only determines when and where and as the workmanship he must be carried through. All our agreement must be taken captive to the obedience of Christ. This everything until of the one to understand, but exists another obstacle that is hard to accept? to want to carry through the workmanship and to be hindered not for God, but for the devil. Pablo had this terrible experience: For what we wanted well, one and another time, to go to have with you, at least I, Pablo, but he hindered us to the Satan.

1 Ts 2.18. My God, is incredible! Others exist many that, ahead of an impediment, before knowing the etiology of the thing, already go saying: – You the moored one! You the reprehended one! Not accepted! You the burnt one, the Satan! The impediment falls all for land! You the destroyed all the action of the devil! I floor in your head, demon! Arcanjo Miguel goes to come with its unseamed sword! They now go down the angels, querubins, serafins, the troops of fire! It seems until pretty, it seems logical, but before if saying any of these things, we go to be imitating of apstolo Pablo, bending the head and saying: Sir, either made your will, thus in the land as in the sky. I have talked with some brothers, mature in the workmanship Mr., and we have fond of the conclusion that the workmanship of God is not so previsible how much it seems to the times. All army is very well trained for the war, but in each body of troops special groups exist that are convoked to the part for forces. Groups are that receive a training differentiated, special, sophisticated, specific. A common soldier never would imagine the tricks, adestramentos, treinos, exercises, techniques, secrets and mysteries that are necessary to leave a member of these troops of the ready elite to face its first mission.

Many times these missions demand, also, a highest knowledge of technology, in the use of devices, the knowledge of cartography, anatomy, first socorros, martial telecommunication, arts and other similar things. The worker of God is not behind. It has that to penetrate in the labyrinths of the devotion, the Biblical knowledge, sensitivity spiritual, the obedience, the discernment and also of the ousadia, the courage, the disposal, the unfastening and the love. He has that to fulfill to the scratch what Joo said apstolo: ‘ ‘ That one that says that it is in it, also must walk as it andou’ ‘. 1 Jo 2,6. It makes to this to remember me the artifice that a translator had that to use when ‘ needed to translate into an African tribe the expression; ‘ in truth, truth, you digo’ ‘. The problem is that ‘ did not exist the word; ‘ verdade’ ‘ in the original language. What to make? It, then, translated the words of Jesus thus: ‘ ‘ It is not trick, is not brincadeira’ ‘. He is what we remember to the loved workers Mr.: ‘ ‘ It is not trick! ‘ ‘.

Catalonia Place

Many of them helped in the reconstruction of the camping. The volunteers were in charge to clean all the place. They will maintain a pacific attitude before the fans who go to celebrate a supposed victory of the Bara in the Champions. Hundreds of citizens of all the ages have visited the place of Catalonia, to animate ' indignados' to follow with its protest, and others to collaborate in the reorganization of the camping after the police operation of this Friday, that has obtained more adhesions than ever to the protest movement. Families with children who have participated in painting factories organized by the encamped ones, people majors that have attended the spontaneous interventions on the facts of this Friday and the situation of the country, peculiar, and people of all the ages have turned east Saturday the place into an authentic celebration. First that has done this morning ' indignados' she has been to leave the clean place like " one patena" , to only demonstrate that the police action of, with the excuse of which there was to clean, was unnecessary yesterday and they tried to evacuate them. You sweep, dishwashers, water, soap and lye has been used by brigades of young people to clean to the ample center circle of the place of Catalonia by far greater zeal than in the previous days of encamped.

Now what everybody delay is to see the position that will be taken with respect to a possible celebration in the near Boulevard of a victory of the F.C. Barcelona in the end of the Champions, a decision that the encamped ones will adopt in an assembly, according to has said. They have remembered, through an official notice sent to the mass media, that before the celebrations that can be produced will have " a pacific and respectful attitude, since they are doing until now " , and that " there will be no type of provocation towards the people who celebrate the title, in case of victory of the Bara".

Respect for People

Recently it was in a familiar celebration. Between the friendly presents, I had opportunity to chat with which it works in a company of the local scope. In that company (with more than 20 years in the market) it is for 4 or 5 years. He was pleasant to listen to it! Questions, answers less, a small summary than speaks with him, is more what follows: To the company it goes to him very well! Every time better! The owner and his family are people of first! It is certain that we worked much, but widely we are compensated! – How! I said surprised and if we are or pay the double to us than it marks the agreement (to ALL), we worked in a good atmosphere, comfortable, we never need soda waters in the refrigerators, or invoices, or gifts in order year, or money to cover some extra question. Everybody does what must do! And first that does he is the owner! See you it, and is all the day looking for commercial opportunities. Weapon ” combos” , it requests discounts, it organizes promotions and calm You never see ” it; loco” The suppliers respect much because what decides IT FULFILLS, IT! The banks offer to the company a permanent support him and every time we have more work! – But decime SOMETHING MUST HAPPEN! AND NO! They respect to us and we give back commitment to them, desire. Sometimes they ask to you not to take the vacations ” all meetings! ” because there is much work, and nobody has problems! – So RESPECT! Sight you? If, you feel that they take care of to you! they helped me in things that did not have any obligation.

They are very jealous as far as the incorporations of people. Only recommended by confidence people. And by the sight, it does not go to them bad. – But does not discuss? There are no conflicts? Sometimes yes. But nothing serious.

Things of the moment. – And how they are with respect to the absenteeism? And almost nobody lack. Sometimes some patient returns BEFORE because he feels well and he sends it to the owner to the house. I had myself to operate of a smaller question and she did not let to me return. – Recuperate you come well and later – To people thus PODS NOT TO FAIL to HIM! And if this generated to me FRESH airflow confirms and me that my already old man preaches to the industralists of JUSTICE and RESPECT so that the employees, first of all, feel like PEOPLE! , it continues having value!

Superior Education

In accordance with given of the IBGE, of 2000, approximately 14.5% of the general population have some type of special necessity. Knowing that the form as the individual it perceives the world is given important for the understanding of the human behavior, the work adopts as objective generality to understand the meaning that the colleges student with educational necessities special attribute to its limitations, and specific to identify as the interviewed ones are perceived as university with educational necessities special; to describe and to analyze the confrontation strategies that the interviewed ones adopt front to its limitations; to verify if the Institution according to contributes for the process of inclusion of its students perception of the interviewed ones. has as problematic to know: Which is the perception of the colleges student with educational necessities special in relation its limitations and as they deal with the same ones in the pertaining to school context? One was about a carried through qualitative research in an Institute of particular Superior Education of the South Goiano having as instrument a structuralized, carried through half interview in the proper Institution by means of daily pay-set appointments schedules. The sample was composed for 03 participants. The results had disclosed that the interviewed ones perceive its natural deficiency as something, being its limitations, in its majority, possible of overcoming, mainly in reason to be enjoyed of the support of inclusive resources for this. It was evidenced, therefore that the preconception biggest that they live deeply is related to the discredit of the society how much to its capacities and potentialities, subestimando them it the ability to establish objectives of independent life.


Somehow, it comes increasingly to the one in the media by the word “funds” hear, but unfortunately knows at this day, hardly a man, what the term means in general. Basically, the explanation is quite simple. Funds of funds are investment funds, the money of investors to invest in various mutual funds, which means if you lose a little money into a “normal” fund invests and the company has invested in that one, but comes in a not so good financial situation, Fond a certain value, thus the investors of capital. This is especially for inexperienced investors will Risky situation. Therefore, there is a fund of funds, which consist of several securities, thereby becomes a “bottleneck” of a company by a ramp-up of another company within this fund of funds collected. Thus the investor has little or no loss on his investment. Certainly there are some disadvantages or risks, because the so-called Dachfondmanager can pay for his services, which are costs in addition to the administrative costsincurred as at the end of the year, may have generated a certain percentage. But who is the Dachfondmanager anyway This is the one who pushes the money from fund to fund to the investor to avoid a possible loss. Among other things, must be considered in the possible investment in a Fund of Funds, the cost in any case. The easiest way is if you are well informed in the bank’s own expectations about the current structure of the possible investment funds.