U.S. chooses its Presidents with a model that is halfway which governs South and North of its borders. Latin America has been taking the French system in which the President should be elected with more than 50% of the votes, allowing that there are two turns and that a plurality of parties that express to bases and different social projects they can compete in the first. Canada has the same model of Great Britain in which no President but a head of State for life and legacy (Queen Elizabeth II), and where the head of Government is a Prime Minister elected by a single-member Parliament. As there is no proportional representation the winner tends to stay with everything (the British Labour holds 55% of the Parliament despite the fact that it took only 35% of the votes). U.S.
shares with the first model being a presidential Republic but lacks two turns. USA is not a constitutional monarchy but his agent is not elected directly, and the candidate who wins a State gets all electors of this (which may be cases like the) Bush who came to the White House despite having lost on votes). With that system USA has managed to be the only major country that has managed to avoid m ACE of two parties. Original author and source of the article.