Working Memory

Activity excessive and irrelevant to the tasks that are addressed, or activity little adapted to the requirements of a situation. Some children and young adults with this disorder (not all) can exhibit exaggerated movement or activity (running, jumping, etc.). Little sustained attention or perseverance in efforts and tasks. Often this manifests when assigned to the individual tasks boring or tedious or repetitive activities that do not have special for this attraction. Regards these principal symptoms, it is worth to make two additional comments.

First, point out that the principal characteristics tend to occur relatively soon; on average, symptoms appear between 3 and 6 years of age, and almost all children with ADHD show them before age 12. On the other hand, these symptoms will probably change depending on the nature of the various situations in which they are affected by the disorder. Additional features of ADHD addition to the three main characteristics mentioned before, people with ADHD can register difficulties simultaneously in other functional psychological areas: remembering things they need to do, or Working Memory. This refers to the ability to retain in his mind information that will be used to guide their actions, either at present or in the near future. Delay in the development of its internal language, personal voice within the mind of each, which we use to talk about ourselves. This personal voice is essential for the normal development of self-regulation and reflection. Difficulties with regulating their emotions and their motivation.

Often, children and adults with ADHD may not curb their emotional reactions to certain events, such as other subjects of his age would do normally. Reduced capacity to solve problems, and less flexibility to pursue long-term goals. For example, it costs them much look for new options to solve a problem that arises while trying to get a goal on the fly. Level of performance highly variable in their school work or his job performance. Consequences of the ADHD ADHD is not a benign disorder if left to their free evolution. If this disorder is not diagnosed and untreated, it can have significant consequences for those affected (especially for children). The first consequence for a child with ADHD is the very likely unsuitability to the educational system, his failure in this and finally his casting out of it. In many cases, the school system follows simplistic as if the child has X years old, must be in the course or what, and the contents that must assimilate are these, instead of assigning course and content based on their ability to maturity with real. Affected children by ADHD have a neurological maturative level that does not correspond to their chronological age (it is not that they cannot reach the neurological maturity, but that they will do so at a different rate than others, and also need help not to be on the road). If the above occurs, quite possibly become loss of self-esteem and the difficulty of insertion and insecurity in the labour market. Finally, social and affective relationship problems appear, and difficulties to develop a positive and satisfying, personal and family life will be more likely. Conclusions and subsequent articles in upcoming articles will continue developing various aspects of ADHD: diagnosis, intervention, family and school environment, etc. Meanwhile, let us remember what is essential: the child or adult with ADHD suffer from a disorder who have not chosen to suffer. Today we can and we must help them to overcome their difficulties and achieve a full life.